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Residential Care

At Richard House we offer residential care for older people who are finding living at home independently more difficult, and require some support with daily living skills. You may also just be looking for somewhere you can have company and social support.

We ensure that your care needs are individualised, so that you are receiving the care that you want and need. When you come to live in your new home, you are able to bring with you your personal items to make your room your own. We discuss with you your previous lifestyle, and how we can support you to maintain this by tailoring activities to what you enjoy. We provide nutritious meals and fine dining in all our homes. We have a laundry and cleaning service so that you can relax and enjoy your time with us.

We have great relationships with local GP surgeries and other health professionals to provide the medical support that you may need.

We know how hard this decision is to make, and we are here to provide you with support and guidance so that this is seamless for you, your friends and family.

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"I am so pleased that we chose this place, I felt surrounded by love here, they are all so friendly, everyone talks to you and I have never felt lonely once."

Tanglewood Care Home resident

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